Dear readers and colleagues,

The development of Economics in the past decade was under the strong influence of the market players’ economic activity globalization. Taking into consideration this global process, common to all countries, the editors of the journal decided to publish the materials of the journal on the Web site to offer the Internet users the results of scientific research held by the professors and lecturers of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy, by the researchers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian economists and researchers from other institutions.

We plan to make our readers acquainted with the most notable articles devoted to the analysis of the trends in Russia’s foreign economic relations, the dynamics and structural changes in Russia's import of goods and services, the practice of conducting business by foreign companies in Russia domestic market, investment in Russia, as well as world economy development trends, international trade, problems of Russia's accession to the WTO and the activity of the World Trade Organization at the present stage. The site is supposed to cover legal issues related to the activities of foreign and domestic companies in the domestic market.

We believe, that as before, among the authors of the articles you will find prominent Russian and foreign economists specializing in the problems of the world economy, international trade and foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation.

Sergey I. Dolgov

Doctor of Economics, Professor
"Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin" Chief Editor,
Director of Science, the Russian Foreign Trade Academy (RFTA) of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Yuri A. Savinov,
Doctor of Economics, Professor
"Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin" Deputy Chief Editor.


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