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Education, academic credentials and ranks
1999 - Doctor of Science (Economics)
1976 - Candidate of Sciences (Economics)
1971 - graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (major – Economics, specialization - Political Economy) , |
RFTA Director of Science
Sergey I. Dolgov
Doctor of Economics, Professor |  |
Areas of Expertise
- International Economics
- international Economic Contacts
1990 - ‘Badge of Merit‘ of the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR
1998 – awarded Medal of "850 years of Moscow"
2002 - Diploma of Merit of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
2000 - Order of Honour - for professional achievements and many years of productive work, as per Edict of the President of the RF
2001 - the Title of "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" for contribution to educational work
2005 - the Title of "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade."
In 2006 Sergey Dolgov got a Letter of Acknowledgement from V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation for achievements in training of qualified
specialists and for years of conscientious work.
In 2011 S.I.Dolgov was awarded Certificate of Merit from Moscow City Duma for his service to the community

On April 18, 2014 at the enlarged meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of the RF presented state award - the Order of Friendship - to Sergey Ivanovich Dolgov, the RFTA Director of Science.
Biography and Professional Activity
Sergey I. Dolgov was born in 1940 in Minsk.
He started his professional activity in 1960 as a fitter at Plant # 116 in Tashkent.
Since 1971 works at the Russian Foreign Trade Academy, first as a lecturer, then as a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of International Economics.
Since 1985 works as a consultant at the Central Committee of the CPSU. He was responsible for training of personnel for diplomatic and foreign trade activity.
From 1989 to 2007 is a Rector of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy.
Under the guidance of Sergey I. Dolgov the Russian Foreign Trade Academy evolved from a closed academic institution servicing the needs of the CPSU into a multidisciplinary university meeting all modern requirements.
Professor Dolgov promoted, participated and actively supported development of a number of projects and a number of sub-divisions and departments of the Academy:
- the RFTA Foreign Language Center (1993);
- three departments providing training in "World Economy", "Law", “Management" to undergraduate students;
- a department providing training in “Law” to graduate students;
- a number of sub-faculties involved in legal studies;
- a sub-division providing part-time and extramural training to graduate students specializing in "World Economy".
- the RFTA School of Business (1996).
- Thesis Board for defense of doctoral thesis in the field of "World Economy" and " Economics and National Economy Management"
- Thesis Board for defense of doctoral and candidate thesis in the field of "International Law; European Law" and" Civil law; Business Law; Family Law; Private International Law".
- the RFTA Far Eastern branch opened in Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky (1994).
- the Academy successfully passed the competition for the right to implement the Federal Management Training Program for National Economy of the Russian Federation", and on the instructions of the Federal Committee developed special programs in “International Marketing” and in "Foreign Trade Management" and started to implement them (1998).
- The Academy participated in the competition and was listed among 15 universities of Russia which gained the right to implement MBA training program (2000).
Along with management of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Sergey .I.Dolgov is engaged in scientific and practical work.
In 2007, by the decision of the Academic Council of the RFTA S.I. Dolgov was elected President of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy.
Starting 2014 Sergey I. Dolgov is a Director of Science of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy.
Participation in Expert Councils and Working Groups
Areas under control:
• Operational activities of the Academy.
• Issues related to improvement of educational, scientific, financial, economic, organizational and management activities of the Academy.
• Relationships with government agencies, local authorities, public and other organizations.
• The work of the Board of Trustees and other self-governing bodies of the Academy. Working out the development concept of the Academy.
Other Activities:
• Chairman of the department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, a member of the Presidium, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Business.
• Chief Editor of "Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin".
• Member of the Commission for selection of personnel to work in foreign offices of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.
• Head of the Board of Trustees of "Stability" Foundation.
• Member of the Editorial Board of "Economika" Publishing House and of the Editorial Boards of several journals in economics.
• Chairman of the Thesis Board awarding Doctoral and Candidate degree in the field of "World Economy" and "Economics and National Economy Management". Professor Dolgov personally directed research and thesis of more than 10 Candidates of Sciences and a number of Doctors of Sciences.