Goals and ObjectivesThe main goal is to facilitate the implementation of foreign economic activity in Russia by covering and discussing the practice of foreign trade and foreign economic operations, trends in the world economy, legal issues of the participation of Russian market economy entities in the international division of labor.
The fundamental policy of the journal is open access to scientific information, free publications, constant work to improve the quality of scientific content. The editorial board of the journal regularly attracts new authors with analytical materials, scientific articles, reviews. The journal publishes scientific articles, analytical reviews, brief reports, articles devoted to the analysis of the theory and practice of foreign economic activity, of the main trends in development of the world economy, to Russia's participation in the international division of labor, to legal problems of foreign economic activity, as well as methodological articles on training specialists in disciplines related to foreign economic activity and legal issues, scientific and critical reviews. One of the most important stages of the journal policy is a thorough review of the materials presented for publication. To optimize the selection process, all articles are sent for review only after having been checked through antiplagiarism software (‘Antiplagiat’ system). All incoming manuscripts are reviewed and edited in accordance with the established procedure. The publisher of the journal, the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - bears all the costs related to production and publication of the journal, including costs of peer review organization, web hosting and archiving. The authors are charged no fee for publication of their articles. Peer reviewing is not paid for. The printed circulation of the journal is distributed by subscription. Full-text files of all archived and current issues of the journal are publicly available on the site. The electronic version of the journal is an open access publication for readers. When using materials, it is imperative to refer to the journal and the authors of the articles (to publications in the journal). Archiving of pre-prints (materials before passing the review procedure) and post-prints (materials prepared for publication, but not published yet) is not allowed. Only publisher's versions of articles in pdf-files are available for the authors of articles and other users for archivation immediately after publication of the next issue of the journal. Free reproduction of the materials from the journal for personal purposes and free use for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes is allowed in accordance with Art. 1273 and 1274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 4, ch. 70). Other uses are possible only upon drawing up of the corresponding written agreements with the copyright holder. PUBLICATION OF ARTICLES in the journal is FREE. Goals and Objectives Objectives of the journal:
Goals of the journal:
Journal Headings
Free Access Policy At present, ‘Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin’ is distributed on the territory of the Russian Federation through the Rospechat catalog, as well as by mailing copies through the Russian Book Chamber (ITAR-TASS). Subscription is possible through the editorial office of the journal. All issues of the journal are free and are available either through the website of the journal (http://rfej.ru/) or through the electronic library http://elibrary.ru/. The journal is indexed by the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Go to the journal card in the RSCI :http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=26085 Journal frequency: 12 times a year. ISSN 2072-8042 Thus, the articles of the journal are available to all those interested, since free open access to research results contributes to an increase in universal knowledge. Archiving
EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE JOURNAL 1. The immediate management body of the journal is the editorial board. The editorial board is formed by a number of well-known scientists, leading specialists of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and other Russian and foreign institutions, research institutes and organizations. Each section of the journal is represented by the member of the Editorial Board having doctoral or candidate degree in corresponding branch of science. The list of editorial board members is presented on the third page of the journal. Executive Secretary is a member of the Editorial Board. 2. The editor-in-chief of the journal is the head of the editorial board. 3. The members of the editorial board are approved by the order of Rector of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy as advised by the members of the Academic Council. 4. Editorial Board of the Journal: - conducts work to provide for compliance by the journal with the criteria set by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (HAC) for periodical scientific publications, which publish the main scientific results of Doctoral or Candidate Degree dissertations; - carries out general scientific and direct organizational management of the journal; - decides on and, if necessary, changes the frequency of the journal publication; - contributes to the qualitative formation of the ‘editorial portfolio’; - makes decisions on acceptance / rejection of the materials submitted for publication in the journal; - together with the Editor-in-chief of the journal, bears responsibility for the scientific level of the journal and its content. 5. The authors send to the editor-in-chief, his deputy or the technical secretary of the journal, the manuscripts drawn up in strict accordance with the established requirements set forth in each issue of the journal and on the website of the journal. Articles that do not correspond to the science topics of the journal or made in violation of the rules for manuscripts are rejected without consideration. 6. Manuscripts accepted for consideration are checked with the Antiplagiat system and sent for review. Reviewers give a grounded opinion on the advisability of publishing the material in the journal. 7. The final decision on publication of the article is made at the editorial board meeting by open vote by a simple majority of votes of those present. 8. Refusal to publish an article is to be motivated. The grounds for refusal are: inconsistency of the submitted material with the subject of the journal; non-compliance with the requirements for materials submitted for publication; negative review of the submitted material; non-compliance by the author of the material with the current legislation on copyright and related rights and some other reasons. 9. Editor-in-chief of the journal: - determines the main directions and develops the strategy for the journal; - convene meetings of the editorial board and preside over them; - carries out overall management of the editorial board work; - helps to attract leading scientists and highly qualified specialists to the activities of the editorial board of the journal; - provides for the publication in the journal of articles by well-known scientists, conference materials, round table and other materials; - is responsible for the content of the journal, its scientific level, for the correspondence of the subject of publications to the profile of the journal; - delegates part of his/her powers to the deputy or to the members of the editorial board; - in case of any disagreement between the members of the editorial board, makes the final decision on the issues of journal publishing 10. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal: - participates in the meetings of the editorial board; - substitutes the Editor-in-chief in the event of his/her illness, business trip and other force majeure circumstances; - provides for coordination of the entire work cycle on completing each issue of the journal; - carries out the initial assessment of the submitted materials; - sends manuscripts for reviewing to leading scientists and specialists included on the list of reviewers approved by the meeting of the editorial board; - is responsible for timely publication of materials on the website of the journal, for compliance with the requirements of this Regulation for the journal, with regulatory documents and current legislation of the Russian Federation; - makes suggestions on the issues related to the translation of the necessary texts of the journal into a foreign language, is responsible for compliance with the provisions of the legislation on copyright and related rights pertaining to the rights of the authors of publications and the rights of the members of the editorial board (compilers) of the journal; - develops requirements for the content and design of the website of the journal in accordance with the documents of the Higher Attestation Commission and the requirements of State Standards (GOSTs), specifications and other regulatory documents; - makes proposals on the requirements for the author's manuscripts submitted for publication and is responsible for posting these requirements on the website of the journal, as well as for revising these requirements, if necessary; - is responsible for placing the electronic version of the journal in information and library systems, in Russian and foreign databases; - performs other tasks of the Editor-in-chief. 11. Executive secretary: - provides for communication between authors, reviewers and members of the editorial board of the journal; - accepts scientific articles for the journal, carries out processing thereof; - registers the materials received in the journal; - provides for timely reviewing of articles; - monitors meeting State Standard (GOST) for design of the manuscripts by the authors; - organizes verification of the originality of texts submitted to the journal in the Antiplagiat system; - organizes subscription to the journal through the editorial office and is responsible for the timely conclusion of contracts with Rospechat; - carries out timely mailing of the journal to the members of the editorial board, editorial team, authors of articles, the Book Chamber, leading libraries of universities and research institutes, etc. according to the mandatory mailing list; - performs other tasks of the Editor-in-chief and his/her deputy. 12. Members of the Editorial Board of the journal: - participate in meetings of the editorial board of the journal, drawing up long-term plans of the journal and in discussing the content of each issue, introduce corrections in the texts of the manuscripts. |
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