The requirements for publications in "Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin" Submitted manuscripts should correspond to the subject of the journal, be original, not previously published in other printed or electronic publications. Notes are made at the bottom of the page with the help of "Insert / Footnote" menu item, footnotes are numbered sequentially. The length of the article for publication is not less than 5 pages. At the beginning of the article the following information about its author is to be given: - Full name of the author (unabridged); - Academic degree, academic rank; - Position, place of work (if any) (unabridged); - Contact information (office telephone number, postal address); (we do not accept mobile and home telephone numbers), - Title of the article (up to 7 words) (in Russian and in English); - E-mail of the author; - Abstract (600 -700 characters with spaces) (in Russian and in English); - Key words (8-10 words) (in Russian and English).
1. The subject of the scientific article submitted for publication is to conform to one of the branches of science, according to the current classification of scientific specialties: - Economics; - International law and legal issues in international trade; - Financial issues. 2. Manuscripts are to be submitted in electronic format (* .doc) to: 3. The manuscript is to be followed by: - Information about the author in Russian and English languages (Last name, surname, first name in full); - The full name of the organization / work place of the author in the nominative case, the country, the city; the position and the organizational unit; - Academic degree and academic rank (if any); - E-mail address; - office phone number ; - correspondent postal address; - author’s consent to place the article on the Internet (in the Russian Science Citation Index on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library and / or in the online publication of the Bulletin).
4. Requirements for the article layout: - The article shall be of not less than 5 and no more than 15 pages (estimated 2000-2200 characters with spaces per page); - the text of the article should be typed in Word text editor, font: Times New Roman, font size - 14, line spacing - 1.5, paragraph indention -1.25 cm; right margin - 3 cm; margins (top, bottom, left) - 2 cm; continuous page numbering starting from the first; justified alignment; option : without hyphenation; - Title of the article is to be in Russian and English; - Mandatory elements following the title of the article are: the abstract (600-700 characters with spaces) and the list of keywords (font: Times New Roman; size: 14 pt; paragraph indention: 1.2; line spacing - single; justified alignment) in Russian and English languages; - Source tables, charts, graphs (numbered and captioned) are to be presented in black & white format of the program in which they were created; - References to the sources of quotations and other information shall be in the form of footnotes made with the help of "Insert / Footnote" menu item, footnotes are numbered sequentially; list of all references mentioned in the footnotes is to be placed at the end of the article and made in alphabetic order in conformity with GOST Р 7.0.5.-2008 "Bibliographic Citation. General Requirements and Rules"; - Text notes, if any, shall be made in the form of conventional footnotes at each page (numbered sequentially).
5. The author of the article is fully responsible for selection and reliability of the facts, quotations, statistical and sociological data, names and initials and other information, given in the article. Unreliability in citations and cited references constitutes grounds for refusal of publication. 6. All submitted manuscripts shall undergo a mandatory review. Articles, having good references shall be submitted to the editorial board. 7. Articles for publication are selected on the ‘first in – first out’ basis. When defining the order of publication, the priority is given to articles on key issues of the journal 8. The editors shall inform the authors about the reasons, preventing them from publication of the submitted manuscripts. 9. To promptly address the issues arising in pre-publication period, the authors and editorial staff can communicate by e-mail.
Contact telephone #: 8499 147-80 44 Yuriy Savinov; 8499 147-44 23 Elena Kholodkova. |
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