Foreign trade activity

The Power of Artifi cial Intelligence in Modeling Logistics Flows

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-104-117

Authors: Andrey Nikolaevic VORNOVSKY,
Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of Management and Marketing – Postgraduate student

Viktor Petrovich MEDVEDEV,
Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor , Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Department of Management and Marketing, Professor

Eugenia Vadimovna TARANOVSKAYA,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor , Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of Finance, Monetary and Credit Relations, Professor

Ekaterina Olegovna SHULGINA,
Russian Foreign Trade Academy , Department of Management and Marketing – Master’s Degree student

Signifi cant changes are taking place in Russian logistics. Given the political situation in the modern world, transport fl ows have been reoriented from the west to the south and east. Besides, within the framework of parallel imports through the countries of Southeast and Central Asia the execution of the main supply chains is facilitated. In this regard, there is a growing need to develop and expand the capacity of logistics infrastructure, change the inner workings of transport hubs, new digital and personnel solutions using artifi cial intelligence.

Russia’s Food Exports: Current State and Prospects

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-118-130

Author: Maria Andreyevna NIKOLAEVA,
Doctor of Engineering sciences , Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, High School of Corporate Management, Department of international commerce, Professor

The purpose of this article is to analyze the current state and prospects for food exports from Russia. The article provides data on the volume of exports of the most important groups and types of food products. It is revealed that due to the steady increase in output of food raw materials and foodstuff s, Russia can not only meet the domestic demand, but also export signifi cant amounts of food. Russia plays a signifi cant role in ensuring food security in the world. Th e article identifi es major importers of Russian food. Th e success factors for the Russian agro-industrial complex in the production of food raw materials and food products, ensuring their growing exports, are also indicated. Promising areas for the country’s food exports are identifi ed.

World economy

“Regionalization” of Global Value Chains: Off -Shoring or Re-Shoring?

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-7-25

Author: Andrey Aleksandrovich MALTSEV,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor , Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Leading Researcher

The article examines the evolution of theoretical ideas about the regionalization of production activities of global value chains (GVCs). The paper reveals the division of “factory” and “headquarters” economies, which triggered the creation of large regional blocs, and the gradual weakening of the potential of “labour arbitrage” models in modern international practices. Attention is drawn to the adjustment of GVC business strategies in terms of restructuring supply chains and the emergence of production relocation concepts under “re-shoring”, “deinternationalization” and “international de-vestment” schemes. The concepts of “in-shoring” are highlighted in a separate block, the categorization of which has not yet been standardized by experts. The practice of implementing “return” strategies is analyzed using the example of leading developed and developing countries. Changing approaches to regional concentration of production in the United States using the A.T. Kearney agency’s specially developed Reshoring index (KRI) allowed to conclude that in the early 2020s re-shoring in the US has evolved from a strategic opportunity into a powerful market reality. However, it is concluded that off shoring/ reshoring can hardly be considered a panacea for global uncertainty, and the balance of benefi ts and costs of their use in each specifi c case requires careful assessment.

Features of Government Support for Russian Exports to the BRICS countries

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-26-35

Authors: Sergey Vyacheslavovich PISKUNOV,
Russian Trade Offi ce in South Africa, Consultant to the Russian Trade Delegation, Master of Economics

Irina Yurievna TKACHENKO,
Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate professor , Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of World and National Economy, Professor

The article analyzes the currently existing national export support projects in the BRICS countries, and examines the impact of this support on strengthening trade, economic and investment interaction between the countries. The diffi culty or impossibility of domestic economic operators entering foreign markets, serious changes in supply chains and payment schemes and the closure of certain routes for supplies from Russia require diff erent approaches to the export support system. The proposed support mechanisms by Russian government agencies will allow them to quickly respond to changes in the external environment and internal factors, streamline as quickly as possible and/or change the mechanisms and their elements of the export support system.

Developing Countries in Modern Conditions: Features of Economic Policy

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-36-57

Author: Tural Natig ogly MAMEDOV,
Candidate of Sciences in Economics , Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation , Leading Researcher of the Institute for Research of International Economic Relations, Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and World Finance

The article considers the features of the economic policy of developing countries at the present stage of development of the world economy. The comparative analysis of macroeconomic stability indicators of various groups of countries is carried out. The trends in the trade policy of developing countries are identifi ed. It is revealed that with fragmenting globalization, the Asian region is becoming the main center of international trade. The increasing role of developing economies in international capital fl ows and regional value chains is noted. The increasing share of leading Asian economies in global expenditures on scientifi c research is shown.

Sanctions Impact on the Greater Tuman Initiative

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-58-69

Author: Marina Valentinovna NIYAZOVA,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor , Associate Professor, Vladivostok State University , Department of Civil Law Disciplines - Associate Professor

Economic sanctions are a signifi cant factor in the development of the economy in many studies, nevertheless missing its impact on mutual fl ows between partners of international economic organizations. The paper discusses trade development issues of the Greater Tuman Initiative, whose participants represent diff erent parties to the confl ict. Using theoretical methods and retrospective analysis of the 1996-2022 UNSCAD data, the author identifi es the growing importance of the organization’s partnership for sustainable development in Northeast Asia. It strengthens under the infl uence of economic sanctions and gradually reorients trade fl ows along geopolitical lines.

Conceptual Approaches to Digitalization Research and Global Trends

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-70-80

Authors: Alexandra Sergeevna IVANOVA,
Far Eastern Federal University, Master’s Degree student

Tatyana Nikolaevna POPOVA,
Ph.D. ( Economics), associate professor , Far Eastern Federal University, Academic Department of World Economy, assistant professor

The article presents conceptual approaches to the study of digitalization and global trends. Overall, addressing the conceptualization of the multifaceted term “digitalization,” it is important to note that there is no single interpretation of it. The multiplicity of defi nitions is determined by both the position of a specifi c researcher and the depth of examination of this phenomenon. The trend towards digitalization coexists with other global tendencies, such as the trend towards environmental friendliness, responsible business conduct, and innovation in business models. Digitalization is currently one of the global economic trends that permeate almost all sectors of the economy, and the transport industry is no exception in this regard.

Relevant Aspects of Infrastructure Project Finance in Foreign Countries Egor Igorevich ABRAMO

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-81-92

Author: Egor Igorevich ABRAMOV,
MGIMO-University (, Department of International Finance - Lecturer

The article aims to review the relevant issues, features and changes in infrastructure project fi nancing in foreign countries. For this purpose, data from specialized sources and industry publications are used.
Infrastructure fi nancing has come to stand at the forefront of economic policymaking in both developed and developing countries owing to its short- as well as long-term growth eff ects. The need for infrastructure fi nancing encompasses maintenance and new projects. Despite the overall growth in investment, proportional dynamics indicate otherwise. Even so, institutional investments are in part off setting the lacking public funding, with the ever-growing gravity of private capital and yet unabating signifi cance of public (national, state, municipal) funding. Likewise, setbacks that accompany infrastructure project execution are those of political variance, poor project management, and risk exposure

Islamic Banking Worldwide and in Russia

DOI: 10.24412/2072-8042-2024-4-93-103

Authors: Artem Aleksandrovich SANDER ,
Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Master’s degree student

Nadezhda Mikhailovna YARTSEVA,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor , Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of Finance, Monetary and Credit Relations, Professor

This article explores the basic principles of Islamic banking, providing an overview of its various fi nancial instruments and their diff erences from traditional banking services. The second part of the paper provides information on the current state of Islamic fi nance in Russia and in the world, reveals its development trend. The conclusion highlights the main problems associated with the integration of Islamic banking in the fi nancial system of Russia, presents the prospects for its fi nancial products, and emphasizes the importance of taking into account cultural and legislative peculiarities in the implementation of Islamic fi nancial mechanisms.


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